Unveiling of My New Painting
"El Rey Trabajador" oil 72" x 48"
from "My Neighbor Series"
our newly founded
in the "Scottsdale" neighborhood of Carson, Ca
dedicated to showcasing my
public art project in the city of Carson
"Love My Neighbor"
run by the 501 (c) 3 non-profit
Artward Initiative
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
6:00 - 8:30 pm
23400 Avalon Blvd, Carson, Ca 90745

El Rey Trabajador" from "My Neighbor Series"
oil on canvas, 72" x 48
can lift aspirations and give us all an important common ground in today’s
divisive times. I believe that as we are continuously exposed to the stream of escalating negative news we need to
focus on people in communities that inspire us in positive ways. I take inspiration for this series from my community that
overcomes adversity.
The Study of Cirilo
sepia on fabriano paper
Every street
and every neighborhood has its own widely loved neighbors. What I want to
capture through My Neighbors is the unique, iconic and deeply human
qualities that make ordinary people the true bedrock of our communities and who
give us something meaningful, true and solid to hold onto in times of trouble,
which is especially important in neighborhoods like Scottsdale. At the kind of times
that we live in I want ART to help people fill what I call The Dignity Gap.
I was honored to be awarded Carson
Cultural Arts Commission grant for 2016/17 to continue working on "My
Neighbor Series" in collaboration with The City of Carson. The
additional grant was provided by the Wells Fargo Bank.
I believe
that strengthening community bonds by getting to know and love one’s neighbors
is an answer to many of the difficult issues facing society today. I hope that My
Neighbors will encourage visitors to see their own neighbors from a new
perspective and take the message of love for one’s neighbor back to their own
I want to capture people in these
painting who you cannot help but love. Through the Love My Neighbor public art project, I want to encourage other
people to notice and embrace human beacons in their own neighborhoods. These
are the overlooked heroes of our society.
The focus of my attention this year is the notorious Carson neighborhood called quite ironically "Scottsdale". Following
my concept that special neighbors exist in every condition I was
fortunate to find a remarkable and inspiring character in Cirilo Campos,
a beloved 75 year old gardener who
has been working in "Scottsdale" Carson for 31 years and would not quit, a true local hero and the icon of serving community.
Cirilo's noble values, the dignity and pride of
his hard work stand in stark contrast to a morally bankrupt "greed is
good" creed that is shoved at us from every corner and which had ripped
the very fabric of our society, bringing us to the edge of loosing the
very treasured system that gave us all that we enjoy. It is the
inspiration from true people like Cirilo that will help us persevere. I
decided to paint an epic life-size painting celebrating human dignity
shining bright in the world of adversity.
I decided to use the very process of art making
as a community engagement tool and executed this large canvas entirely
on-site in the series of over 40 live sessions each open to the public.
To showcase works of My Neighbor Series to the local community and use
the Love My Neighbor project as a tool of continuous community building,
I established a permanent on-site Artward Gallery.
It was the most remarkable and rewarding project out of everything I have done so far.
Affecting society where it is needed most is what my father believed ART suppose to do and I learned this belief from him.

Larga vida al rey!
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