Friday, August 14, 2020

New Program in Partnership With Carson Sheriff's Station Gang Diversion Team (GDT)

We have launched the new COVID-19 emergency program in the City of Carson with my long time  Love My Neighbor project collaborating partners from the nationally recognized Carson Sheriff Stations’ Gang Diversion Team (GDT). In these hard times the important work of GDT is more needed than ever. 

With our nonprofit Artward Initiative we provide the GDT with art supply kits and food relief packages. We secured amazing food donations, like absolutely awesome Sunrise Produce boxes, through our great collaboration with Food Cycle LA non profit. The Deputies deliver the food relief packages and art supply kits to the families of at risk children who are part of their program.

We ask children while staying safe at home to create art in support of their #neighbors at risk and in need.  The Deputies then collect the artworks and I pick them up. I include the kids artwork into graphics that are printed out and included into the next round of our food relief packages for the long underserved and difficult “Scottsdale” neighborhood of Carson.

There is a great need to find ways to engage children at risk in difficult communities. They are shot out by the pandemic from schools and from all after school activities.  The only thing left for them is the local gang influence from which the schools and afterschool park centered programs were built to protect them for the last twenty years. This is an unacceptable social cost of this emergency. 


Special heartfelt thank you to Deputy Noya for all his long service and dedication to GDT. It’s a great privilege and inspiration to have this remarkable partnership in serving the community at the time of unprecedented need.  


#lacounty #sheriff #lasd #losangeles #carson #deputy #crimeprevention #art #deputysheriff #community #losangeles #coronavirus #lovemyneighbor #artwardinitiative #alexeysteele 



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